The Values of French

The Values of French Language and Literature in the European Middle Ages. ERC Advanced Grant (no. 670726) at King's College London

Summer 2016 Conference Activities

Members of the TVOF team have/are participating in a number of conferences this summer.

On the blog, you can read about Simon’s paper ‘Europe: the view from elsewhere’ presented at the Theorizing Medieval European Literatures conference, organised by the Centre for Medieval Literature of York and the University of Southern Denmark.

Last week in Rome, Maria Teresa gave a paper at the XXVIII Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza entitled ‘Antiche traduzioni francesi: un approccio ai sermoni lorenesi’, in which she discussed some of her work on early translations into French.

And on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th July, two team members are presenting papers at the 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association: Simon will be asking ‘Can comparative literature be monolingual? French as a supralocal language in the Middle Ages’, and Simone will be exploring ‘Translation as Palimpsest’. 

Wishing you all a great summer!